Activating Your Account

Detailed Instructions
After submitting your application, watch for your LLCC Welcome email to activate your account. (Note: Welcome emails are sent on days the college is open. For applications submitted after 1 p.m., this email would arrive the next business day.) Then follow the steps below to successfully activate your LLCC account. Activation of your account is required before you can access any electronic resources at LLCC (i.e. email, Canvas, Logger Central, etc.)
<span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>&lt;span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/span&gt;
Step 1: Collect the information needed for initial login
All new students and employees are provisioned an email address and initial password. This information is required in order to activate your account and log in for the first time. Please see below for more information:
Your Email Address
- For students, use:
(provided on your Admissions Welcome information and/or Class Schedule)
- For employees, use:
Your Initial Password
Your initial password should follow the formula described in the template below:
A = The first initial of your first name (Capitalized)
b = The first initial of your last name (in lower case)
CCCC = The last 4 digits of your Social Security Number
(international students - use 0000)
DD = Your birth month in 2-digit numerical format
EE = Your birth date in 2-digit numerical format
Example user
Example User’s Initial Password
Name: Jane Doe
Last 4 of SSN: 1234
Birthday: 09/23/2002
Step 2: Log in for the first time and set your password/security questions

When prompted, enter your email address and initial password
(for more information, see the section “Step 1: Collect the information needed for initial login” above)

You will be prompted to change to a new password
- Your new password must consist of:
- a minimum of 8 characters
- a maximum of 16 characters
- the password must have three out of four of the following:
Lowercase characters
Uppercase characters
Numbers (0-9)
Special Characters
- When prompted, complete any security questions to set up password recovery and MFA (multi-factor authentication) criteria.
Still need help?
Contact our helpdesk at or 217-786-2555